
Dominic N. Ashen


Art by jabberox


Chapter 2

Cory awoke groggily the next morning. At least, he thought it was morning. Peeking his eyes open, he saw that the sun was up and probably had been for some time. He was on the pull-out couch with Derek while Nic slept on the other couch in the cabin's common area. His head was still fuzzy and his mouth was dry, but at least he wasn't hungover. He pulled his blanket over his head, trying to force himself back asleep, the sounds of Nic's light snoring coming from the other couch. Slowly, the previous night's events began to creep back into his head.

Okay. So your friends know you're gay. That… That's fine. You were going to tell them, eventually… You were just waiting until you were far, far away in college. This wasn't how you planned to do this, but you also didn't plan on sucking their dicks. Oh my god, you sucked their dicks. You sucked both their dicks, next to each other. They wanted you to suck their dicks.

They wanted you to do more than just suck their dicks. It was like they planned the whole night out! ...Shit, they planned the whole night out. How long have they been waiting to do this? We still have like a day and a half before we have to go back to school on Monday. What else did they plan? I mean, they definitely had fun last night. We all did. Right?

Cory's mind reeled, the stream of consciousness in his head never slowing down. What does this mean? Are we still friends? Are we still going to hang out how we used to? Are they going to tell anyone else? He lay there for nearly an hour, brain never slowing enough to allow him to fall back to sleep. Just as he was about to get up, he heard Nic stirring and he stilled, not ready to face … whatever this was, yet. Maybe another hour would help. Or a year. Or ten.

From his sleeping spot, Cory listened as Nic got up, eventually walking to the bathroom to pee. Then he heard some rustling and the sound of keys being grabbed before the door was opened, closed, and locked. Cory released his breath and relaxed.

That was dumb. It's not like I can avoid this forever. Or even that much longer. Maybe I should just go home. If I get dressed and start walking now, I can have Mom meet me at the gas station down the road in like thirty minutes.

Just as Cory was gathering enough courage to put his own plan in motion, Derek shifted on the bed, rolling over, his arm falling over Cory's waist. After waiting a moment, Cory attempted to slip Derek's arm off him when the sleeping boy moved again. Cory's eyes went wide as he felt Derek's arm tighten and pull him back, pressing him against his chest.

Cory's voice caught in his throat. This was even weirder than whatever last night ended up being. What was Derek doing trying to cuddle him? Isn't he straight?

The sound of incoherent mumbling gave him his answer: Derek was still asleep.

Slowly, Cory's panic abated. Things were confusing enough as they were. Besides, it felt nice being held like this. He could see doing this with a boyfriend or something in the future. Derek shifted again, this time grinding his crotch forward against Cory's ass, making the smaller boy's breath hitch. He had been ignoring his own morning wood this entire time, traitorously betraying any protests about his feelings regarding the prior evening.

This… This, Cory could definitely see doing again. Fuck, that cock was big. It was a miracle his jaw wasn't still sore this morning. As Derek continued to periodically grind his cock against Cory, Cory began to subconsciously grind his ass back to meet him. The arm around his waist remained tight, but there was no indication that Derek was waking up. Mentally exhausted from all of the emotional hoops he'd been jumping through this morning, Cory managed to stop thinking and let himself enjoy this.

Cory was not new to having his butt played with. It was just that prior to today, he was the only one who had ever played with it. It wasn't like Derek was hitting the “target” anyway, but they were both in only their underwear—he could feel everything. Cory continued to grind his ass back onto Derek's cock, feeling every time it pulsed against him. He started angling his hips more and more, as much as he could with Derek's grip on his waist. If he could just move this way a little bit…

“WAKE UP! IT'S TIME FOR BREAKFAST!!!!” Nic's shout echoed through the room as he burst through the front door. Cory hadn't even heard the lock.

Cory couldn't hear anything over the sounds of his ears ringing and his heart pounding. His face was currently buried in the mattress, having barely fought the urge to scream in surprise at Nic's sudden return to the cabin. Derek was also startled awake, pulling away from him suddenly. As they both attempted to calm down, Nic dropped two McDonald's bags on the table before moving into the kitchen, all the while singing “Oh, What a Beautiful Mornin'” at an obnoxiously loud volume. Once he had caught his breath, Cory turned over, looking at Derek who met his gaze. He gave Cory a strange look for a second, a half-smile, like he couldn't remember something, before turning and standing from the bed.

“Thanks, and you're an asshole,” he announced as Nic walked back into the room, both of them homing in on the bags of food.

Cory looked on in near disbelief before he heard his stomach growl. Fuck, he was hungry. After willing most of his erection away, he got off the bed and joined them, grabbing one of the sandwiches and tucking in.

“Fanks,” he said around the sausage, egg, and biscuit in his mouth.

“Figured you would have learned last night not to talk with your mouth full,” Nic teased from across the table, making Cory blush.

As the trio ate their breakfast together, Cory began to relax. Things felt like they always had, the three of them hanging out, having fun, being friends. Other than the full mouth comment, neither friend had made any attempt to push things in the direction they went last night. Cory felt somewhat relieved, but also confused. What else were they plotting?

The rest of the day was pretty much the same. After eating, the three lounged around the cabin for a bit. Not like they had anything to do. They headed into town in the afternoon to grab some lunch, bringing it back to the cabin to eat. As the sun was setting, the boys were once again around the TV, this time watching a movie.

“This is somehow both the best and worst thing we've ever watched here,” Cory said to no one in particular. The killer clowns were going on a rampage through town, though for what none of the three viewers could tell you.

“I dunno. The Room was pretty fantastically terrible,” Nic called back.

“Hey, Cor, toss this in the sink and grab us some beers.” Derek held out his empty glass and continued watching the TV, not waiting for a response.

“Uh, sure, D.” Cory accepted the glass (and order) and moved toward the kitchen.

As he grabbed some of the remaining beers from the fridge, a feeling grew in the pit of his stomach. Something was coming. He walked back into the room and handed the bottles to Derek and Nic, keeping one for himself.

“Good boy,” Derek said, entirely sincere, and returned to watching the movie.

Cory then realized that the two of them had moved onto the couch, and he no longer had a seat of his own. He gave them both an annoyed look before sitting on the floor between them, nursing his beer. He was gonna need it.

Nic was next to ask for something: a bag of chips. Cory received another “good boy” for his troubles. Was this their plan after last night's blowjob training? Seriously?

After being given a few more minor tasks—another beer, Derek's phone, turning off a lamp—Cory had resigned himself to it being a boring night. He was sadder about that fact than he wanted to admit to himself. So Derek's next order caught him off guard.

“Cory, boy, why don't you move over here?” Derek spoke as he pointed to the floor between his legs. “My feet are killing me. Could use a foot rub.”

“Uh.” Cory looked to where Derek was pointing before looking at the two of them on the couch. Nic was smirking, wanting to see what was going to happen next, but Derek was simply smiling gently. Expectantly. “O-okay, sir. I mean, yes, sir.”

Cory moved into position, back now turned to the TV. He could still hear it, but he wasn't paying attention anymore. Right now, Derek had all his attention. As he took Derek's right foot into his hands, he looked up and met Derek's eyes, his friend smiling down at him before returning to the movie. Well, Derek had his attention, but he wasn't giving it back to Cory. Something about that made it even hotter.

Cory got to work. He was by no means an expert at giving foot massages, but he did his best with what knowledge he had. He rubbed his hands over it gently at first before tightening his grip and starting to press in on the muscle.

“Mmm, that's good,” Derek said with a groan above him.

Cory smiled, growing more confident with his hands. Every noise of pleasure from Derek was like fuel on the fire. Once he had finished with the right foot, he moved onto the left. Starting off gently as he had done before, Cory watched Derek's face this time as he worked. He did that. He was responsible for making Derek feel good.

“Fuck, boy. That was great.” Derek was practically melted into the couch, a puddle. “Definitely going to have you do that again.”

“Alright, my turn.” Nic stuck both his feet out like a child. “Let's see if you're really that good.”

“Yes, sir.” Cory rolled his eyes and moved over to Nic.

He began his work again, having a routine worked out now. Nic was much, much more expressive than Derek had been with a near-constant litany of under-the-breath moans and barely muttered “holy fucks.” He was also more ticklish than Derek, and Cory had a hard time holding onto his foot at times. Still, he once again enjoyed watching the face of his friend as he worked, knowing what a good job he was doing.

Eventually, he was done. The movie was still playing, but Cory had no interest in turning around to finish watching now. He remained in his spot on the floor in front of Nic, waiting to see what they might want next.

“Fuck, that was good. Good job, boy.” Nic tousled his hair as he praised him. It actually felt sincere this time, too. “And since you're already down there…”

Nic began rubbing his cock through his shorts. Cory's eyes were drawn to Nic's hand and what it was doing, and he subconsciously licked his lips. He wanted more.

“Yes, sir.” He shifted onto his knees, moving closer to the couch.

Feeling confident after the foot rubs, Cory didn't wait for Nic to pull his cock out and began to grope it through the fabric himself. He could feel it pulse as it grew under his hand. He then reached up toward Nic's waistband and pulled it down.

Nic raised himself up slightly, allowing Cory to pull his shorts and underwear all the way off. Cory kneeled between Nic's naked thighs staring at the exposed, pulsing cock. He reached forward to take it in his hand and began to gently stroke it, pulling the hood back over the head.

Here we are again, old friend, he told the dick in his hand. Laughing to himself, he aimed the dick toward his mouth and lowered his head, wrapping his lips around the head. Nic let out a gentle sigh as Cory began bobbing up and down his cock.

“Shit, that took a lot less work than last night,” Derek said from his seat, watching the show in front of him. “See, boy? Everyone is getting something they want. Don't overthink it.”

Cory took note of Derek's words as he continued to work, trying to swallow down more cock without gagging. It wasn't easy, and memories of last night began filling Cory's head. He managed to swallow nearly three-quarters of Nic's dick before his gag reflex kicked in. So he soldiered on, figuring out just how much gagging he could take, drool escaping around the cock in his mouth.

After he found a good rhythm, Cory lost himself in what he was doing for a few minutes until he was brought out of his haze by someone grabbing his wrist. To his left, Derek's pants were already off, and he had clearly been jerking himself. Now he was closer and expected Cory to start multitasking. They were training him, after all.

Cory gripped Derek's cock and gently stroked his hand up and down. It took a little practice at first, but he was soon able to stroke Derek's dick with the same rhythm he was sucking Nic's. Neither boy made any attempt to slow down or change what he was doing. It seemed to be a pleasant surprise how easily and eagerly Cory was servicing them.

For his part, Cory simply wasn't letting himself think too much about it. He knew he would probably regret doing that later, but he also knew that he would have regretted not doing this when he had the chance. Derek was right. Everyone was getting something they wanted, so why fight it?

Without being told, Cory switched over to Derek. With his own saliva slicking the way, Cory stroked his hand up and down Nic's cock as he swallowed down Derek's. Already warmed up, he began to work the cock into his throat right away.

“Holy… Damn, boy!” Derek was happily surprised by the eager mouth. “Slow down. There's plenty of dick to go around.”

Cory looked up at Derek, smiling with his eyes as he continued to work his mouth. He was enjoying the small amount of power this gave him over these two. Derek narrowed his eyes but smiled back. Uh-oh. That's his “I've got a bad idea” face.

Cory once again threw himself into his work, finding a good rhythm, and again lost track of everything except the now two cocks in his mouth and hands. He continued to swap between the two of them, spending a few minutes on one cock while stroking the other, and then switching. All the while, he kept trying to push himself further, to take them deeper, to hold his breath longer. The boy was well on his way to becoming a grade-A cocksucker.

The movie had long since ended, and no one currently on the couch could tell you how. In fact, as soon as Cory started groping Nic's crotch, any thoughts they had of watching the movie flew out the window too. Content to allow Cory to work, both boys could only lay back and watch. With Cory switching between them every few minutes, neither boy was particularly close to finishing. Cory had just moved back over to Derek from Nic when Nic got up from the couch. Cory paused, cock halfway in his mouth, and looked over.

“Keep going, boy. I'll be right back. Just gonna find something…” He trailed off as he headed toward the kitchen.

Cory resumed his blowjob, giving no more thought to whatever Nic might be up to. With only one person to worry about now, Cory could focus entirely on what he was doing to Derek. Cory became so focused on Derek that he was startled when he felt Nic touch his hip from behind, causing Derek to stifle a laugh.

“It's just me, Cor.” Nic spoke to him gently. “Keep going. Just figured this was a good time to start the next part of your training.” Cory felt his underwear being tugged down and heard the sound of a plastic cap being popped open. “This is gonna feel a little cold.”

What is he talking abou—AAAHHH! Cory let out a yelp of surprise as he felt the cold, presumably lube-covered finger touch his ass, pulling off Derek's cock quickly. Little was an understatement. He turned and quickly pressed his back against the couch, protecting his backside from further prodding.

“What are you doing?!” Cory asked, as though he didn't already know.

Which was exactly the look Nic gave him.

“I think you know what I'm doing, Cory,” Nic responded calmly. “We all know this wasn't going to stop at blowjobs. You know you wouldn't want to stop at blowjobs.”

“But can't we … talk about it first?” Cory fretted, almost whining.

“Okay. Let's talk about it,” Nic continued in his calm demeanor. “You've enjoyed everything we've done so far, haven't you?”

Cory nodded. It may not have been how he would have liked for some of this to go down, but he couldn't deny how turned on he had been by everything. Not even just the sex but the domination—the parts where Cory had no say, where Nic and Derek had just taken and ordered.

“And you want to keep going, right?” Nic continued.

Cory nodded again, hesitantly. He thought he did. He was just a little nervous about everything that entailed. And from his internet search history, he knew exactly what was at stake.

“So then, this is the next step, Cory: You getting fucked.” Nic looked him directly in the eye as he spoke, tone still calm. “Here. Now. By me.”

“Ye-yes, sir.” Cory swallowed the lump in his throat, nodding his head in acquiescence. 

Cory felt a hand begin stroking his hair. Derek.

“Hey. It's gonna be okay, Cor.” His gentle tone helped calm Cory's nerves. “It's the same as last night. Who better for your first time than your two best friends?”

Cory took a deep breath and closed his eyes. He did want this. How many times had he played with his ass? Sure, it had mostly been with his fingers so far, and sure, maybe he bought a toy he kept really well hidden, but getting fucked was something he fantasized about all the time. And here he was with the chance to get fucked by not just one but two incredibly hot guys, his closest friends in the world. He focused on his earlier mantra: stop overthinking it and just do it.

“Okay, sir.” He peeked one eye open at Nic. “How do you want me?”

“Strip.” Nic smiled in reply and winked. “Then get just how you were before, boy. A dick in your mouth should help distract you.”

“Watch your teeth on my cock, Cor,” Derek warned from the couch.

Cory laughed, tension leaving his body a little.

“Noted, sir.” He settled back on his knees, face in Derek's crotch, and took him back into his mouth.

He felt Nic's hand on his hip before he felt cool fingers once again reach his ass. Shuddering at the temperature, he stopped himself from bolting again like last time. He tried to focus on Derek in his mouth as Nic's fingers prodded at his hole. Finding his target, Nic began to press his first finger in. Cory inhaled sharply and went still as he felt the finger breach him. He continued to take deep breaths as he felt Nic push farther in before stopping.

“Breathe, Cory,” Nic instructed, trying to get him to relax.

Cory was doing his best. He had done this before, alone in his room, and it wasn't as though Nic had fingers massively bigger than his own. But it was so different having someone else do it. He couldn't control it, didn't know what was going to happen next. And he loved it. The stretch in his hole may have burned a little, but his cock was throbbing between his legs.

Cory resumed sucking on Derek as his breathing leveled out. Once he felt relaxed enough, Nic pulled his finger back before pushing it back in, a little deeper than before. Cory tensed up again, though not as much as the first time, and he tried to focus on the breathing and cocksucking he was also trying to do at the same time. This continued as Nic picked up the pace, eventually fucking his index finger in and out of Cory's ass up to the second knuckle with relative ease. Then, Nic found his prostate.

“MmmMMMmmm” was the noise that came from Cory, still attached by mouth to Derek. He pressed his ass back without even thinking about it.

“Haha, alright.” Nic slowly removed his finger entirely causing Cory to whine at its loss. “Time for finger #2.” He squeezed out a little more lube, applying it generously to both fingers.

“Ready?” Nic didn't wait for an answer as he pressed both his fingers into Cory's hole.

Another sharp intake of breath was all Cory can manage, Derek's cock falling out of his mouth entirely. Letting out a low whine of pain, he buried his face into Derek's thigh. Fuck, maybe his fingers were massive compared to Cory's?

“Hey, you alright?” Derek's hand was on his head as he spoke. “Your hand is kinda digging into my leg.”

Lifting his head up, Cory saw that his hands were currently white-knuckling Derek's thighs.

“Sorry, sir.” He released them hurriedly before lowering his head again.

“It's alright, boy. You seem pretty distracted.” Cory could hear the smirk in his tone. Asshole. Hot asshole. With a big dick.

Nic cleared his throat before wiggling his fingers a little, getting Cory's attention before he pressed them farther in.

“Fuck…” Cory said under his breath before pointing Derek's now half-hard cock back toward his mouth. He just needed to breathe and focus on doing this.

Nic followed the same pattern as he had previously, pulling his fingers back and then pushing them back in, each time a little deeper and faster than before. Sooner than before, he once again found Cory's prostate. Cory again moaned around the cock in his mouth and began to push back onto Nic's fingers. Nic took his time, playing with his two fingers and seeing just what made Cory react the most.

Cory was in heaven. Eyes closed, he methodically bobbed up and down on Derek's dick while at the same time rocking his ass backward, thighs spread as much as he could manage. This felt great, better than any time he had played with himself. Every time Nic pressed against that gland, his knees would buckle, and he just wanted more.

Things couldn't end there, though. Nic extracted both his fingers, eliciting another whine from Cory. Chuckling, he quickly lubed a third finger and rested all three against Cory's hole.
The still-virgin took a deep breath and tried to relax, knowing what was coming next, as Nic pushed in.

Fuuuuuuuck, that burns. I'm so full. Stretched wide. Seriously, what kind of monster fingers does Nic have?! Fuck! He tried once again to focus on sucking on Derek. Releasing Derek's cock, he pushed his face into his balls, licking and sucking on the skin, anything to distract him. As Nic began pumping his fingers in and out, the burn lessened but the feeling of fullness never abated. He'd never tried this many fingers before by himself. What was a dick going to feel like?

He wouldn't have to wait long to find out.

“Alright, boy.” Nic extracted his fingers for the final time. “I think you're ready.” He punctuated his statement with a light spank.

Cory released Derek from his mouth and turned his head, waiting for his next instruction. Nic provided it. “Over to the bed. On your back. Might as well be comfortable for your first time, right?”

“Yes, sir,” Cory agreed, standing and carefully walking over to the bed. Even though it was only three fingers, he still felt like he just got reamed out—and now it was time for the real thing.

“Since you got the first crack at his mouth,” Nic spoke to Derek as he followed Cory, “I get first dibs on his ass. Cool?”

“Sounds fair to me.” Nic sometimes made a big deal about going second, but Derek didn't mind.

Cory watched as his friends discussed his virginity like it was something to be traded for or sold. It made his cock throb again. Nic noticed as he stood over Cory and smirked.

“Glad to see you're enjoying yourself. Gonna need to do something about keeping that,” he pointed to Cory's hard and leaking cock, “out of the way.” He tossed some underwear to Cory. It was a jockstrap. “Put it on.”

He did. It fit him well enough, maybe a little snug around the waist. His cock, still hard, was trapped in the front pouch, but his ass was still out in the open. Perfect for two straight guys who want to take advantage of their gay friend's holes without any unwanted penises getting in the way. Nic climbed onto the pullout-bed, walking on his knees toward Cory, settling between his legs.

“Hey, hand me the lube?” Nic asked Derek, who was headed over for a front row seat. He tossed it to Nic as he walked over, standing behind the couch over Cory. “Thanks.”

The bottle was old, dating back a few years to when the boys got their hands on one of Derek's dad's old porn DVDs, and they engaged in a little group masturbation. It would happen a few times their freshman year—and then was never brought up again. Cory watched as Nic opened the cap and applied it generously to his cock. He was entranced as the hand stroked up and down the slick cock, each passing stroke making him hornier and more anxious. When Nic was satisfied, he closed the bottle, moving closer to Cory and lifting his legs in his hands.

“Ready to have your cherry popped, boy?” Nic asked as he looked down at him. His tone was gentle, despite the crudeness of his words.

“Yes, sir,” Cory answered. Not that he really thought he had any other choice at this point anyway.

Still smiling, Nic lifted his legs farther, resting Cory's feet on his shoulders. Then, aiming with one hand and holding one of Cory's thighs back with the other, Nic pushed his cock toward Cory's ass, seeking out his hole. Cory could feel the cockhead resting against his ass and tensed up.

“Relax, boy. Breathe,” Nic spoke to him calmly as he pressed forward. “Think about how much you've wanted this.”

Cory yelped when the head of Nic's cock breached the ring of his ass, quickly clamping his hand over his mouth to try and block the offending sound. Nic held still, allowing the boy to get used to the new stretch in his hole. Once he felt him relax enough, he began to push forward farther, getting Cory past the first few inches.

Goddammit, that's a big cock. This was a terrible idea. He's going to destroy my poor hole by the time the night is over. Cory's thoughts ran wild as he felt his ass being split open.

“Breathe, boy,” Nic reminded him with an order.

Cory let out a breath he hadn't realized he was holding. He focused on his breathing and leveled it out, relaxing his ass in spite of the pain. As he relaxed, Nic pushed more until he was almost five inches inside of Cory.

“More than halfway there, boy.” Nic spoke to Cory with almost a sense of pride in his voice. “That's deeper than my fingers went. Just a few more inches. You're doing great.”

Cory gave what could best be described as a Charlie Brown smile, happy to receive the praise but unable to ignore the fact that his ass was on fire. Nic went still again as he waited for Cory to relax, watching his face for emotion. He could be patient when he wanted.

Now that he was most of the way inside, Nic was able to start thrusting. Pulling back by only an inch at first, Nic began to very slowly fuck Cory. Just like with his mouth, each time Nic pushed in, he would go a little faster and deeper. The more Cory relaxed, the easier it was to angle his thrusts.

As Cory relaxed, he started to feel things other than just the pain and burn of the stretch in his ass. The main thing he was feeling was full, but eventually Nic's cock began to hit the right spots inside of him. As Nic made longer and longer thrusts, his cock would scrape over his prostate, causing Cory to groan, and as Nic got faster, Cory's moans became more frequent.

“Fuck, dude,” Derek said as he watched the scene from behind the couch. “He's fucking loving it.”

Cory's eyes were closed, his hands grabbing wildly at the sheets on the mattress, a constant litany of moans and groans spilling from his mouth. The faster Nic moved, the harder it was to concentrate on anything else. Good thing that was all he needed to do.

“And I'm not even all the way inside him yet. I told you this was a great fucking idea!” Nic happily exclaimed as he continued to fuck most of his cock in and out of his best friend. Seeing the state Cory was in, Nic was done with the warm up and ready to really get this fuck started. On his next few thrusts, he closed the gap between his hips and Cory's ass, finally bottoming out inside of him. “That's it, boy. That's everything.”

Cory could feel the scrape of Nic's pubic hair against his ass and thighs. He felt so full, which made sense seeing as he had a solid seven inches of cock in his ass. His hole still burned slightly as it stretched around Nic. He kept opening his mouth to talk, but whenever he did, he had no idea what he was trying to say. His foot twitched on Nic's shoulder, a reflex from some muscle he didn't know was being stretched.

“Nnngghh…” Cory whined as he looked up to Nic, unsure of what he was trying to ask for.

Nic watched the storm of emotions cross Cory's face. It was one of the only things distracting him from just how tight the boy was. Fuck, it was way tighter than any of the girls he'd been with. Well, except maybe Molly Paterson. She let him try anal—and taught him how to stretch her out first. This was at least as tight as that, if not a little tighter. Cory's hole was twitching wildly around his cock, squeezing him almost rhythmically as the boy was trying to simultaneously relax and expel the thick intruder. He didn't have a hair trigger, but still, he wasn't taking any chances.

Nic waited until Cory's breath was calm, his hands and feet no longer scrabbling and twitching, before he returned to moving his cock in and out of the boy's ass. Most of his hole was nicely relaxed by now, but Nic still only pulled back a couple of inches at a time, slowly, before pushing back in. As his hips met Cory's ass, a very low, half-whine/half-moan escaped from Cory's mouth. Seemingly involuntary, the moans only grew as Nic's thrusts became longer and faster.

“Fuck,” Derek said from his spot behind the couch, “he's really getting into it.”

“Yeah…” Nic trailed off, only half-listening.

He was far more interested in what was happening underneath him, what he was doing. He could see what Cory was feeling with every stroke of his cock. As he pulled his cock back, he could see, could feel Cory relax, until he was left with barely a few inches inside, almost gasping as he inhaled. That same breath would then be expelled as Nic drove his cock back inside in the form of a moan, punctuated with a slap as their skin met.

Nic watched the process repeat like clockwork, only changing the speed of his thrusts as he watched Cory's eyes. At times they were hazy and unfocused, looking up at the ceiling like it wasn't there, overwhelmed. At other times, his eyes were locked on Nic's, a silent plea to continue making him feel the amazing things he was feeling. And Nic had no intention of stopping.

He did want to change positions though. His thighs were getting tired from being spread the way they were, and it wasn't great for picking up speed either. Grabbing Cory by the backs of his knees, he pressed his thighs back, his athletic body easily bending Cory's into the position he wanted. Moving his knees together, he knelt over his friend as he held his thighs spread wide. Looking down, he could see where his cock met Cory's hole, just below the pouch of the jockstrap. 

“Get ready, boy.” His eyes flashed darkly. “This is what it's like to really get fucked.” Slap.

“Aaahh!” The first thrust already drew an increased reaction from Cory.

Nic wasted no time as he pounded his friend's ass for the first of many times. He was still watching Cory for what he was feeling but was moving far too fast now to pick out any one emotion from the storm that raged on the boy's face. He was moaning and whining, making unintelligible noises and pleas, half-aborted “mores” and “stops.”

“Holy fuck, Nic.” Derek was in awe. They'd seen each other fuck before (no homo); neither of them was a slouch in bed, but no girl had ever reacted the way Cory was. “Fucking wreck him.”

I don't think he had any intention of stopping, Derek. Cory looked up at the thing closest to him—Nic. Using gravity to his advantage, Nic was continuously driving his hips down and forward into Cory. He was starting to sweat, holding his pace and speed as steady as he was. Cory watched as the sweat began to pool, rolling down his neck and chest. Without thinking he reached out, drawing his hand across Nic's muscular chest and stomach.

They watched each other as Cory continued to feel up Nic's front as he fucked him. While Cory looked up in awe, Nic's look was one of hunger and possession. He would remember later that this was exactly how he and Derek had planned for this to happen, that it was their goal to fuck Cory so hard, so good, that it would cement in Cory's mind the desire to serve and worship them. But for the time being, Nic wasn't thinking about anything except his need to fuck. He needed more.

He let go of Cory's thighs, allowing his legs to fall back against Nic's chest and shoulders. Letting them drop to his elbows, Nic bent Cory almost in two, lifting his ass off the mattress as he positioned himself over Cory. Cock never leaving his ass for more than a few inches, Nic began to powerfuck down into Cory, fucking him missionary as he had so many of his exes. Their faces only inches apart, Cory couldn't hold back anything he was feeling even if he tried.

Every time Nic's cock scraped over his prostate, Cory saw stars. It was like every muscle in his body was having a spasm, and he couldn't decide if he wanted more or for it to stop. Each time he felt Nic slap against his ass, more sounds would come out. The groans and moans growing louder and closer drove Nic to fuck him harder and faster. Cory could only lay there and take it, a never-ending litany of “fucks” and “sirs” spilling out of his mouth alongside his noises of pleasure.

“Fucking take it,” Nic growled in Cory's face. “Take that fucking cock, bitch.”

Nic was pretty sure he heard a “yes sir” somewhere in there. He was getting closer to cumming, to filling his best friend with his load. His thrusts became more frantic and erratic, and he dropped his bodyweight almost entirely onto Cory. Releasing his legs, Cory struggled to wrap them around his waist as Nic covered his body. Nic's skin pressed to his, he could feel the scrape of the weekend's stubble against his neck.

“I'm loading you up, Cor,” he growled into Cory's ear. “I just took your fucking cherry.”

Nic saw white when he finally came, cock rooted as deep inside Cory as it could possibly be. An animalistic roar accompanied the first shot, the first person to coat the walls of Cory's hole. In this state of mind, he could only try and drive his hips farther into Cory with each additional shot. It was so hot, so tight.

Cory could feel the heat from Nic's cum as it exploded inside of him. Pushed even deeper than Nic's cock had been, the heat radiated in his gut. His arms and legs were tightly wrapped around Nic's body, toes curled and twitching at every slight movement of Nic's cock. The both of them were still breathing hard as the last dregs of Nic's load exited his cock, still buried to the hilt inside Cory. Slowly, their minds cleared as they came back to themselves.

“You always remember your first, Cor,” Nic whispered in his ear before lifting himself up and off Cory. “I'm going to pull out. Squeeze tight—I don't want you losing any of my load.”

Cory did his best, sucking in a breath of pain as he worked to tighten his hole. In addition to feeling sticky, it stung. He was going to be so sore in the morning.

“Alright, guess it's your turn, bro,” Nic said to Derek as he slowly pulled his cock from Cory's hole. Oh fuck, that's right. There's no way Derek wasn't going to want to fuck me, too.

“Dude, I almost jerked off twice while you guys were fucking.” Derek's cock was sticking out in front of him, rock hard. “Slide on over and let me in that ass.”

Nic looked down at Cory, taking some pity on the boy in his fucked-out state. “Flip onto your stomach. It'll be easier on you now that you've been opened up.”

Cory mumbled an unintelligible answer, still exhausted, but managed to roll over with some help from Nic. He felt the pullout bed shift as Derek climbed on behind him, knees brushing against his legs. His asshole twitched uncontrollably, already anxious about what was about to happen. He was so fucking sore. He gripped the bed sheets tightly, eyes closed as Derek climbed over him.

“Barely need lube, dude,” Derek commented as he spread Cory's ass in his hands. Cory's hole was red and puffy, even winking at him on occasion. He pointed his slick cock down at it and pushed in.

Cory whined into the mattress, the burn in his ass returning almost immediately. Derek wasn't having any issues getting inside him, but that didn't mean Cory wasn't still feeling every inch. Bottoming out, Cory could feel all of Derek's weight on top of him. Derek held position for a moment, letting Cory get used to his slightly thicker cock.

Once Derek felt he was relaxed enough, he got right to work pumping his cock in and out of Cory. Continuing to whine into the mattress, Cory finally understood where the term “pillow biter” came from. Slowly, the burn of Derek's cock sliding in and out of him was outweighed by the pleasure of his prostate being pounded into again. From his spot above Cory, Derek was driving his cock almost straight down, directly into the small gland and drawing out louder and louder groans.

Derek saw the moment Cory fell back into the same headspace from earlier, felt his muscles relax underneath him as he allowed Derek to use and move his body however he wanted. Nic had completely wrecked the boy, damn near ruined him for anyone else. They would both have to work extra hard if they ever expected to top his first time. For now, Derek was happy to breed their new boy quickly and efficiently.

It wasn't long before Derek was ready to add his load to Nic's inside Cory. As he got closer, he dropped his body weight, laying on Cory's back but still lifting his hips up and down atop Cory's ass. As his cock began to shoot, he ground his hips down into Cory as hard as he could. His hands instinctively shot out, grabbing onto Cory's wrists as though he needed to be restrained, holding him down as he came.

“Fuuuuuuuck. This is the best weekend at the cabin ever,” Derek said, still draped over Cory as he came down from his endorphin high. As he pushed himself up and made to extract himself, he tapped Cory sharply on the ass. “Tighten up!”

Cory did so without a complaint, the small amount of training he had already sinking into his malleable mind. He was riding his own afterglow. He may not have cum, but he still felt amazing. And as horny as he still was, he was also completely fucked out. He mumbled his agreement about the weekend, already fading into sleep.

Derek pulled himself out with a light pop and stood next to the bed. After a quick trip to the bathroom to clean up, he returned to find Nic had already shut off the TV and cleaned up what they needed to. Cory was already passed out on the pullout.

“Sleep?” Derek nodded toward the couch.

“Sleep,” Nic agreed, turning out the last light and wordlessly climbing onto the pullout mattress.

Derek climbed onto the other side, leaving an already asleep Cory sandwiched between them, still in his jock. If the lights were still on, they might have noticed the small amount of cum leaking from his hole. Pulling the sheet up, the two friends drifted off to sleep wordlessly, unconsciously shifting to huddle together in the middle. The three of them had to head home tomorrow, and they would deal with exactly what that meant then.

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