
Dominic N. Ashen


Art by jabberox


Chapter 1

“Nic, dude, you suck. Just give up and go get me a drink.”

“No, Derek, you suck. I'm about to stomp Cory into the ground.”

“Are you high? I've been kicking both of your asses all night.”

It was a typical Friday night, and Derek, Nic, and Cory were spending the weekend alone at Derek's family's cabin the same way they had for the past three years. They'd been coming out here a lot longer than that, but it was only after their first year of high school that Derek's parents started letting them use it alone.

The three of them had been friends for almost ten years, meeting in the third grade and quickly bonding over a mutual love of cartoons, video games, and superhero movies. Over the years, their interests began to differ when things like girls and sports entered the picture, but through it all, they remained close. Now in their last year of school at Hartford Heights High School, though the boys seemed to run in different social groups, they still found time to spend together.

Derek Rothfield was the oldest, though only by a few months. Not quite a jock but still athletic, at 5'10” with dark brown hair, he had his pick of girls at school. Nic Herrera was even taller at 6'0”, and being on the football team meant he also rarely had to look far for a date. His Latino background gifted him with tan olive skin and jet-black hair—hair that went everywhere. People often expected a much louder and brash personality, but he largely preferred keeping his emotions in check and to himself. Finally, the youngest of the group was Cory Davis. Just a little chubby, any interest he had in sports went out the window as soon as his mom got him his first computer. Now he spent most of his afternoons indoors, his curly brown hair growing shaggy and the lack of sun not doing his pale skin any favors.

All three of them were eighteen, with Cory technically being the youngest, his birthday only a month prior. For the last three years, they'd spent a couple of weekends a month in this cabin together, talking, watching TV, playing video games, and on the rare occasion even studying. Whenever one of them was having a rough time with something, they'd all head out here together, and everything just seemed better.

“Aaaaanndd done,” Cory announced to the room as the sound of an explosion and a spoken “Game!” came from the TV. Cory stood, ready to go to the kitchen. “Still want a soda, D?”

“Actually, I brought something special this time,” Derek called behind him as he walked into the kitchen's pantry himself, exiting with a case of beer. He set it down on the kitchen counter and opened it, handing a can to Cory and Nic. “A gift from Tommy for starting senior year.”

“Man, I wish I had a cool older brother instead of two annoying little sisters,” Nic whined before taking a swig. “Gabby caught me sneaking a beer last Christmas, and she turned right around and told mom.”

Cory chuckled and popped open his own can, taking a sip. Blech. He never quite got used to the taste, but he liked the warm feeling of getting tipsy.

“Ready for another round?” Derek asked.

“Gimme a sec. Gotta pee.” Cory set his drink down and walked to the bathroom.

Nic watched, waiting for the bathroom door to close. “You sure you still wanna do this, D?”

“Yeah. Why? You having second thoughts?” Derek asked in response.

“No, no, I'm still totally in but… once we do this, there's no turning back,” Nic was warning himself as much as he was Derek.

“That's the idea. We've been talking about this almost every day since we found out, and that was weeks ago. Things might change, but they're changes everyone wants,” Derek reassured him.

Three weeks ago, Derek and Nic were having a very different conversation. They were at Derek's house, where Cory was helping the two of them with a history presentation the two were due to give. He brought his laptop which they used to type up their notes and put together a slide presentation. By the end of the night, Nic and Derek were almost done, but it was getting late.

“I gotta get home before my mom kills me, guys.” Cory started packing up his bag. “You're almost done though, right?”

“Yeah, just need to run through it a couple of times, I think,” Derek answered.

“Then you can hang onto my laptop and bring it to school tomorrow.” Cory zipped up his backpack and headed toward the door. “I'll get it from you in the morning. I really gotta go!”

“Thanks, Cor. We'll see you tomorrow,” Derek told him as he walked to the front door, watching as Cory mounted his bike and rode away. When he returned to his room, he saw Nic on his bed hunched over the laptop. He had a weird look on his face.

“Dude. You need to see this,” he said without ever taking his eyes off the laptop.

“What is it? I swear if it's another one of those stupid jump scare videos, I'm gonna punch...” Derek trailed off as he stared at the screen. Staring back at him were a pair of men. A pair of men in leather gear and little else. “What the hell are you looking at?”

“I'm not looking at anything!” Derek cast Nic a withered look at his response. “I swear! I was trying to find a few more pictures for the presentation, closed the window by accident, and when I went to reopen it ... that came up.” He gestured to the laptop screen.

Derek took the laptop from Nic and set it on his desk where they could both see. “So… that means that Cory was … looking at this stuff.”

“Cory's gay?”

“Or bi. And into some pretty kinky stuff, apparently,” Derek reasoned. He clicked through a few of the other tabs. “Really kinky.”

There were a lot of open tabs, all of them carrying a similar theme: domination. Videos of guys being tied up, spanked, or fucked. Online sex shops selling things like cock cages and collars. Stories about guys being overpowered and used by their friends, bosses, teachers, cops—anyone with authority. It was like they had a full roadmap to all of Cory's desires.

“We shouldn't be looking at this,” Derek decided even though his hand was still moving the mouse to the next tab.

“I just can't believe Cory… I mean, I guess the gay thing isn't that big of a leap, but shit.” Nic pointed at an image of a guy strapped to some sort of bench. There were two other men with him, one at either end, cock inserted. “This is the kind of stuff he's into?”

Even though they knew they shouldn't, the two boys spent the next few hours scouring Cory's laptop, curiosity urging them to learn more about their friend's proclivities. They didn't know it then, but something had been awakened in them both, something they never knew existed. New doors were being opened, whether they wanted them to or not.

Many, many hours later and far further into the night than either of them intended, Derek made the call. “Okay, that's it. We gotta stop. We need to finish the project and go to bed.” He paused. “We cannot tell Cory about this.”

“Yeah, man. I don't even know what to do with this info.” Nic was more than a little confused, and the half-boner he was trying to hide in his shorts wasn't helping.

“Nothing. He's still Cory, still our bro. He just likes dick. Rough, kinky dick.” Derek half-laughed. “We pretend this never happened.”

Nic returned Cory's laptop the next day after making sure to scrub any evidence of their snooping or discoveries. As the days went on, neither Nic nor Derek could get the images from that night out of their heads. The more they thought about it, the more the idea of having someone on hand to sexually service them appealed to them. Not that they told each other. 

At the same time, this led to more than a few weird interactions with Cory, who was becoming increasingly concerned about his friends' mental wellbeing. The normally eloquent Derek started stumbling over his words when a girl brought up Fifty Shades of Grey at lunch, and Nic nearly spat out his milk when Cory taunted his friend Stephanie with a “Why, gonna spank me?” Finally, after a week full of this, both boys were pushed to the edge—and Nic was the first one to break.

[Nic: Dude, are you up? I need to talk to you.]

The text notification chirped from Derek's phone, who was still awake and lying in bed, preoccupied with his own thoughts of bondage and domination.

[Derek: Yeah what's up?]

[Nic: Nah, in person. Can I come over?]

It was late but Derek's parents were out of town, so they would be none the wiser.

[Derek: Sure man, text me when you get here.]

He grabbed a pair of shorts and waited for his friend's arrival.

About fifteen minutes later, they were both back in Derek's room, speaking in hushed tones despite the house being empty.

“It's Cory. Or the stuff about Cory,” Nic started. “I can't stop thinking about it.”

“Me neither, man,” Derek reassured his panicky friend. “I can barely even look at him sometimes, not without imagining him in those ... situations.”

“Are we gay?! Am I gay?!” Nic's voice nearly cracked, puberty be damned.

“Calm down, dude, seriously. I don't think it's a gay or straight thing. In like half those stories, the guys doing the dominating were straight.” Derek knew this of course because he had gone back to reread some of them on his own. “It was about control, power. Replace any of those guys with a girl, and we'd still be into it.” Not that he had tested that theory out yet.

“So what do we do?” Nic sat next to Derek on his bed. “I just want things to get back to the way they were before.”

“I'm not sure they can ever get back to that, bro.” Derek wrapped his arm around Nic's shoulder. “But maybe there's something else we can do…”

The flush of a toilet preceded Cory's return.

“Just follow my lead like we talked. I've got a plan,” Derek reassured Nic.

Cory rejoined them on the couch in front of the TV, taking the center spot. “Alright, what are we doing?” Cory asked, taking another sip of beer.

“We do another round of Smash Bros., but this time we make it a little more interesting—we make it a drinking game,” Derek responded.

“I dunno…” Cory started, sounding worried before smirking. “I wouldn't wanna give you guys alcohol poisoning.”

“Nah, that's way too easy. Instead of the loser drinking, the winner does,” Derek explained. “Every time you win a round, you take a drink. Think of it like a handicap to help the losers catch up.” They had played drinking games before, mostly when watching bad movies together, but never against each other like this.

“You guys saying the only way you can beat me is if you get me drunk?” Cory challenged.

“Why? You not good enough to do it a little tipsy?” Nic taunted from Cory's other side.

Cory narrowed his eyes at Derek. “Let's go.”

By the end of the third match, Cory was halfway through his can while Nic and Derek had barely started on their first. By the end of the eighth match, Cory had started on his third beer, and Nic and Derek had only just opened their second.

“You guys suuuuuuuuuck,” Cory jeered, the alcohol causing him to draw out his words just a little too much. Then he stood suddenly. “Dammit, I have to pee again.”

Nic waited until the door closed before turning to Derek. “I don't think we should let him drink much more. He's gonna get sick.”

“Yeah, I know. Don't worry. This is going better than I hoped. Time to cinch this,” Derek reassured him once more before Cory rejoined them.

After losing the next round in a rather spectacular display of inebriated coordination, Derek put forward the next step of his plan. “Alright, wow. I think we can say the playing field has been sufficiently leveled.” Cory narrowed his eyes as he took a non-mandated sip of his beer. “No more drinking game for you. Let's switch to something else.”

“Like what?”

“Strip poker. Or Strip Smash Bros., I guess.” Nic spat out his drink at hearing Derek's suggestion. After giving his choking friend a strange look, Derek continued, “Since you're sufficiently drunk now, ‘normal' rules: You lose a match, you lose a piece of clothing.”

Nic had moved to the kitchen to finish his beer induced coughing fit, though it wasn't him that Derek was worried about accepting. He watched as Cory pondered the suggestion for a moment, the alcohol-lubricated gears turning in his head.

“I'm in.” As Derek suspected, it didn't take much.

“You finished choking so we can get back to playing? Are you scared of someone seeing your dick?” Derek shouted toward the kitchen, Nic shooting him a glare as he walked back to the sofa, tossing the beer-soaked shirt at his face. “Well crap. If you were gonna take it off for free, I wouldn't have gotten the beer.”

“Just shut up and play,” Nic grumbled as he grabbed his controller.

As the night wore on and the beer cans were emptied, the clothing started coming off. A few rounds in and Cory was only in his jeans and underwear while Derek had only lost his socks, and Nic was still only missing his shirt.

“Nooooo not again,” Cory groaned as he lost his 4th match in a row. “Guys, come on. You don't want to see me in my underwear, do you?”

“Drop 'em bud,” Derek ordered, arms crossed over his chest. Nic looked at him expectedly.

With a dramatic sigh, Cory undid the fly on his jeans. Shoving them down to his ankles, he stood in front of his best friends, arms stretched out in classic, sarcastic “ta-da!” fashion.

“Happy? Weird-ooohhhshit!” Cory tripped over the jeans bunched up at his ankles, toppling unceremoniously to the floor. He angrily kicked off his jeans from around his feet as Nic and Derek laughed from the couch.

“You doing okay there, Cor?” Nic asked.

“Just shut up and play,” Cory grumbled.

Luck was still not with Cory as he proceeded to lose yet another match, this time to Nic. Derek removed his shirt and looked at Cory for his turn.

“But I'll be naked,” he protested.

“Yeah. That's what the ‘strip' stands for. Lose 'em!” Derek ordered.

Cory stood still for a moment, clearly considering whether to grab his jeans and make a run for it. Then he remembered he was currently only in a pair of white briefs, stuck in the middle of the forest. Eventually and reluctantly, Cory quickly shucked off his underwear, dropping to sit on the floor and cover his cock and balls with his hands.

“There. You win. Can I put my clothes back on now?” he asked.

Derek smiled and took another swig of beer. “Who said we were done?”

“But I don't have anything else to take off,” Cory reasoned.

“Guess me and Derek will have to think of something for you to do when you lose again,” Nic chimed in, finally catching on to the plan.

“Like what?”

“I dunno. What about some of the things those leather daddies you like watching so much have their boys do?” Derek deadpanned, looking Cory right in the face.

Cory was sure he didn't hear that correctly. “Wha-What are you talking about, dude?” Fuck. How did they find out? They didn't find out. Did they? Fuck.

“That was your laptop you left at my place, right? The one with all the videos of guys in bondage and leather, the one with all the stories about boys like you being tied up and spanked? Pretty kinky stuff, man,” Derek continued.


“Cory.” Nic put his hand on Cory's shoulder. “He's just fucking with you. It's okay, man. We don't care, really.”

“Kinda the opposite. We actually think this could be a great thing. For all of us.” Derek put his hand on the opposite shoulder.

“What… What are you guys talking about?” Between the alcohol and having his best friends reveal one of his deepest secrets, Cory's head was spinning. “How did you even…”

“Reopened a few too many browser windows when we were working on that history project. Sorry about that,” Derek explained. “But as I was saying, there's nothing to worry about. You're still our friend, our brother. If anything, this opens up new stuff for us.”

“What do you mean ‘new stuff'?” Cory, red faced and on the floor, still didn't understand what was going on.

“I think you know exactly what we mean, Cory. Nic and I have been talking about it since that night. Let's just say what this is: you're not just gay; you like the idea of a guy telling you what to do, throwing you around, right?” Derek and Nic were circling their prey, and Derek was going in for the kill.

“I-I don't know… I've ever done anything with a-anyone. It started with looking at porn, then I read a few stories…” Cory was unable to meet either of their gazes, trying to burn a hole in the cabin's rug with his mind. “I don't know what I like.”

“Then why don't you let us help you figure it out?” Nic offered.

“W-What the hell are you talking about?” Cory's head shot up.

“Well… you're gay, and as far as you know, you like being ordered around to do sexual stuff to other guys.” Now it was Derek's turn. “Last time I checked, Nic here and I both really liked blowjobs, and it's not like we'd get to try any of this stuff with our girlfriends. You get to lose your virginity and get in some practice before college, and we get our dicks sucked. Everybody wins.”

“Isn't that kinda … gay though?” Cory reasoned.

“If you think either of us are gonna return the favor, you've had more beer than I realized,” Nic answered, stone faced.

“But I think we all know that's how you want it,” Derek added. “So what's it gonna be, Cory? You in?”

Cory sat in silence on the floor, contemplating his situation. He was feeling about a million things at once. The alcohol was making his head fuzzy, and he was starting to sweat. He was scared that his secret was out, but at the same time, he was relieved to not have to hide it from his best friends anymore. He was angry at them for having gone through his computer but also at himself for stupidly lending out his laptop without thinking to clear his history first. But even more than any of those things, he was horny.

Neither of them could tell, but half the reason he was still hiding his cock with his hands was because his erection had been steadily growing since he first got naked. How many times had he imagined something like this happening? Maybe not with his best friends (that he would admit to), but Cory had jerked off while imagining this exact scenario countless times. A strong, hot, guy dominating him and taking what he wanted. And now he had not just one, but two guys willing to do that. Maybe it was the beer talking, maybe he would regret it later, but right then, Cory could only say one thing.

“Okay. Yes. I'll do it.”

“Yes, sir,” Derek's correction surprised him for a moment.

“Yes, sir,” Cory tried again.

“Good boy.” Derek smiled as he turned to Nic. “So who gets the first blowjob?”

“Rock, paper, scissors?” Nic suggested.

“Let's go.”

Cory couldn't believe his two friends were deciding which dick he would suck first with rock-paper-scissors like he wasn't sitting on the floor naked in front of them… Actually, it seemed exactly like something they'd do.

His cock was hard as a rock.

“Ha! I win!” Derek exclaimed gleefully. He spread his legs wide on the couch and patted the space between his thighs, smirking cockily. “Why don't you get comfortable down there, boy?”

Hesitating for a moment, Cory walked on his knees toward Derek, hands still attempting to conceal his very obvious erection. Once he was seated, he looked up for instruction. Even with all the porn he'd watched, he had no idea how this was supposed to go.

“Unzip me” was the first order.

Reluctantly revealing his crotch, Cory reached slowly toward Derek's zipper. He was so nervous his hand was shaking. Any moment now, he was sure they were both gonna jump up and say this whole thing was a prank.

“Well, looks like you were right that he'd be into this, D.” Nic chuckled at Cory's hard cock.

Cory's face—and body—burned red with embarrassment at Nic's joke, and he hesitated while reaching for Derek's zipper.

“Hey.” Derek was gently holding his wrist, not allowing him to pull it away. “It's okay, Cor. He's just messing with you, like always. We know you like this stuff. That's why we're doing this.”

With a gentle smile on his face and Cory's wrist still in his hand, he drew Cory's hand up his thigh until it rested on the half-hard cock bulging through his jeans. Cory was breathing heavily, eyes glued to the mound under his hand. He gave a tentative squeeze, feeling Derek flex involuntarily. Growing bolder, he gripped it a little more confidently, stroking his hand up and down the length through the fabric as Derek continued to smile down at him.

“Good boy. Now, unzip me,” he repeated his earlier instruction.

With a bit more confidence, Cory released Derek's cock and moved to his fly. After a little fumbling with the button, he managed to open the fly and get the zipper down. Derek was wearing a pair of green boxer briefs, his cock producing a sizeable bulge in the center. Cory once again grabbed and stroked it through the fabric, seeing a small wet spot form as it leaked precum.

“Now, pull my cock out of my boxers,” Derek continued his instructions.

“Yes, sir.” The words were out of Cory's mouth without thinking.

Swallowing his nervousness, Cory reached for the waistband of the boxers with one hand and pulled them down. With his free hand, he reached in and grabbed the first cock he'd ever touched aside from his own. It was warm. Like, really warm. And fuck, it was big too. Cory figured he was average sized himself, nothing to be upset about, but holy crap, this was bigger than he was for sure. He tucked the waistband underneath Derek's big, hairy balls before giving them a grope and squeeze too, causing Derek to inhale sharply.

“Shit, careful. My nuts are sensitive as hell,” he warned. “Ball play always gets me going. Don't worry, boy. We are gonna teach you exactly what we like.”

Cory could only nod, transfixed by the cock in his hands. Derek was content to let him play with it for now, slowly stroking it up and down. He definitely owed his brother for that beer after this. After enough stroking, another bead of precum gathered on his cockhead, and Derek saw an opportunity to move the training along.

“Now, Cor,” he started, “I want you to put my cock in your mouth. Just the head.” He made sure his tone was gentle. He'd been imagining what it would be like to train Cory to suck his cock all week.

Cory's mouth had never felt drier, but he was still so fucking horny. Grabbing the cock firmly in his hand, he pointed it toward his face and lowered his mouth, making Derek hiss as the warm mouth enveloped his cock head.

“Good boy.” He rubbed Cory's head like a pet. “Now, move your tongue around. Get a real feel and a taste of me.” He leaned his head back and enjoyed the sensations of a tongue on his cock. It had been a while since he had gotten a girl to do this.

Cory was having as much fun as Derek. As the first bit of precum hit his tongue, he moaned around the cock in his mouth. The taste was unexpected, but knowing what it was just drove him to want more. He sucked gently as he swirled his tongue around Derek's head, hearing the words of encouragement coming from above him. Inhaling through his nose, Cory let Derek's musk fill his senses. Holy fuck, this smells amazing. Why didn't I do this sooner? He moaned again, feeling Derek's hands move to his head as he sucked.

“Okay, now try to take more, as much as you can before you start to gag.” This was more instruction than Derek had ever given to any of the girls he'd fucked, but they were also pretty bad at it, so maybe he should start. “Then pull back, and do it again.”

Cory complied as best as he could, managing to take about half of Derek's cock in before he pulled off, suddenly coughing.

“Heh, gotta go slower than that at first.” Derek petted his head again. “Don't worry. We'll get that gag reflex trained right out of you.”

“Starting to feel a little left out over here,” Nic said impatiently from his spot on the couch.

“He's only got one mouth, Nic,” Derek pointed out.

“Yeah, but he's got two hands, D,” Nic fired back.

“Dude, fine, whatever. Just quit ruining my blowjob.”

With a gleeful snicker, Nic quickly undid his own pants before scooting down the couch to sit right next to Derek, their thighs touching. Derek sent him another withering look before turning his attention back to Cory.

With one of his hands, Cory fumbled along Derek's thigh until he found Nic's. Not one for patience, Nic moved the hand directly to his cock, already pulled out of his underwear. Cory groaned a little as he felt the heat in his hand.

Cory continued to practice swallowing down Derek's cock while simultaneously attempting to stroke Nic's. Luckily for him, neither of these boys had all that much experience and seemed pretty happy with the job he was doing so far. He was still gagging on occasion but was now able to take much more dick than when he started. Derek's hand hadn't left his hair, never quite pushing him down but letting him feel its presence. Unable to see past the crotch in his face, he could only assume that Nic was alright with what he was doing from the lack of complaints.

“Alright, time to switch. My dick is starting to chaff,” Nic said with perfect timing as always.

“Fiiiiiiine. Just stop whining,” Derek said with a groan. He looked down at Cory, who looked back with a dick in his mouth. “Boy, now move over to him, and keep using your hand on me.”

“Yeththir.” Cory spoke with his mouth still full before releasing Derek's cock and shuffling over to Nic, looking up at him expectantly. His cock was just as large as Derek's, maybe even a little longer. And it was uncut.

“Get to it, boy.” Nic nodded toward his dick wearing a cocky smile, leaning back with his hands behind his head.

“Yessir” was Cory's reply before taking the second cock of the night—and his life—into his mouth.

Now that he knew some of what he was doing, it was easier this time around. He bobbed up and down on the first few inches, wrapping his hand around the part of the shaft that he couldn't reach without gagging yet. The foreskin was different, and when Cory ran his tongue along it, a burst of precum shot into his mouth. Without needing to be told again, he took his remaining free hand and moved toward Derek's crotch with some assistance.

Still buzzed from the beer, Cory seemed to almost zone out as he sucked and jerked his friends. If they were talking to him, he wasn't hearing it. The scents surrounding him only served to intoxicate him further, pushing any other thoughts and the rest of the world away. Nic smelled and tasted different than Derek. With both being athletic teenage boys, there were some similarities, but Nic tasted just a little saltier, or at least not as sweet as Derek. Maybe it's their diets.

“Wow, he's really into this,” Derek mused, watching Cory swallow down Nic. “He's a natural.”

“Ehn, he's doing alright.” Nic, ever the impatient one, was ready to move things along. “Time to really kick start his training, don't you think?”

Derek gave a puzzled look as Nic placed one hand on the back of Cory's head and pushed down. Not expecting the sudden manual guidance, Cory gagged as the cock hit the back of his throat and pulled off coughing. Nic chuckled as he regained his composure.

“Sorry about that. Just trying to help.” Cory shot Nic a glare. “Hey, watch it, boy. Back on your knees.” His tone was almost daring him to say no.

“Yes, sir. Sorry,” Cory apologized and moved back to his spot between Nic's legs. He didn't want this to stop either.

“Okay. I want you to try to take as much of my cock as you can and then hold it.” As Nic spoke, he placed his hand back on Cory's head. “We start with just a few seconds and then have you work up to going longer and longer. We'll have you swallowing our cocks in no time.”

Cory looked at Nic, annoyed, cock still lodged in his mouth.

“Let's go, boy.” With a push, his head was lowered further. Cory went as far as he could go before stopping, feeling the head of Nic's cock tickling the back of his throat.

“Alright Cor, I've trained tons of girls to deep throat my cock. I gotchu,” Nic lied a little. It was maybe two, but that was still more experience than Cory had. “Breathe through your nose and try to keep your throat relaxed.”

Easy for you to say. That was Cory's final thought before having his throat stretched around a dick for the first time. It started out so fine, Cory almost hadn't realized anything had happened. He felt the cock in his throat alright; it was just more pressure really.

Then he tried to swallow.

 “I told you not to swallow.” As Cory coughed and hacked his lungs up on the floor, Nic could only look down on him and sigh.

“No you didn't!” Cory choked out between coughs.

“Oh. Well, I meant to. Don't swallow. You're not at that skill level yet.” Nic spoke as though this was very obvious information that Cory should have known.

With another glare, Cory resumed his position in front of Nic. Nic was very tempted to point out he did so without being asked, but he bit his tongue. Instead, he put his hand back on Cory's head and guided him back to the now spit-slick cock.

Cory fared better this time around. Soon, he was able to take just over half of Nic's dick without gagging. He learned to time his breathing, zoning out as he methodically bobbed up and down, the smells and tastes once again clouding his senses.

“Fuck, see? He is a natural,” Derek said from his spot on the couch, transfixed by the scene next to him.

“Oh yeah, you definitely pegged him for this,” Nic agreed with a sigh. Cory seemed to not hear any of them, content to continue swallowing down more dick.

The longer Cory sucked, the more attuned to the tastes of his friend he became. Nic was steadily leaking precum directly onto his tongue every time his dick passed over it, and the thought was causing Cory to subconsciously salivate even more, some escaping around his lips and down Nic's cock as he would pull back. Cory either didn't notice or didn't care, content to continue doing this all night…

Which is why the second hand on his head, suddenly forcing him all the way down was more than a little surprising. As was the way Nic's cock seemed to grow thicker for a moment before it began shooting his load directly into Cory's throat. After only two spurts, Cory pulled back, once again violently hacking and coughing onto the floor. A single shot landed on Cory's face as he fell on his ass, Nic's remaining load spilling out onto his thigh.

Cory again glared up at Nic, who was cracking up on the couch at his reaction, dick still in hand. Derek attempted to maintain his composure but was unable to stop a few snorts escaping over Cory's predicament.

“Sorry, Cor! Shoulda warned you I was about to shoot, but I didn't want you chickening out and pulling back!” Nic explained through laughs. “A good cocksucker is supposed to swallow, especially the loads of hot straight studs like me.” He flashed his teeth in a cocky smile.

Cory continued to glare, looking for his discarded shirt to wipe his face. He coughed a few more times, each time tasting a little more of Nic's load as it exited his airway, swallowing it back down without thinking about it. Now that he wasn't choking to death, he didn't mind the taste. But Nic didn't have to be such a dick about it.

“Come here, boy.” Derek patted his thigh. “I'll treat you better than that dumb asshole.” He wiggled his hard cock with his other hand.

With one final glare, Cory moved back over to Derek. He liked him better, he decided. And to prove that, he lowered his mouth to Derek's cock without being told and began repeating the skills he had just finished practicing on Nic.

Derek was thicker than Nic, so finding the right rhythm took a second. Cory could feel his throat being stretched even farther than before as he made a few experimental test bobs. Once he had it set though, he felt confident in his skills.

Partly because he wanted to show Derek thanks for his relative kindness, largely because he wanted to stick it to Nic, and entirely because of the alcohol, Cory decided to try a few things. Just with his hands, for now. He started by gently running them up and down Derek's thighs. Then he brushed one hand against his balls in time with the bobbing of his head, eliciting a gentle sigh from Derek's mouth. He gripped onto the warm sack a little more firmly and allowed his remaining free hand to roam higher, against Derek's stomach and chest.

“Shit, I didn't get that kind of treatment,” Nic whined.

“Well I'm not a dick,” Derek replied without ever looking up. Cory's eyes were closed, either in concentration or because he had once again zoned out, but either way, he looked almost peaceful. Happy, even. Derek could feel his own load building up, nearly ready to rise to the surface.

Not wanting to repeat Nic's behavior, Derek spoke up as he got closer. “I'm getting close, Cor. I want you to swallow my load, okay?” Cory opened his eyes and looked up as he continued to suck. “I'm gonna pull back so most of it lands in your mouth, but you're gonna need to swallow fast—I cum a lot.”

Cory nodded as he continued to suck, now determined to see this through to the finish. He could feel the weighty sack in his hand as it started to tighten and draw up. Cory could easily believe that Derek shot massive loads, and he was about to find out first-hand—no, first-mouth.

“Fuuuuck boy, here it comes.” Derek gripped his cock as it slid most of the way out of Cory's mouth, whose lips were still clamped tightly around his head. Grabbing his cock, he jerked himself steadily, unloading directly into Cory's mouth.

Cory felt the first few spurts land on his tongue, his mouth immediately filled with the salty and musty taste of cum for the second time that evening. It wasn't as salty as Nic's, maybe even a little sweeter if he could call it that. He didn't exactly have a lot to compare to. He did have a mouth that was filling up quickly though, so he swallowed down what he could as Derek continued to squeeze out every last drop with his hand.

“Suck out anything left and then swallow, Cor,” Derek ordered, taking a deep breath and letting his hand fall to his side

“Yes, sir.” Cory did as he was asked, and after emptying his mouth, looked up at his friends. “Thank you, sir?” That last part came out like a question.

“Fast learner,” Nic announced.

“Told you. A natural. Practically born for this,” Derek said, looking down at Cory with a hungry gaze. Cory looked back, a little afraid and very turned on. “And the weekend is just getting started.”

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